Saturday 12 May 2007

Another New Blog To Read

Another new blog to add to the list. Check out Fr Justin's blog and say hello! I rather like his first post title - a quote from Catullus (with becoming modesty, he denies that it is polished... I note with pleasure that he promises it will be fresh and sharp though!!) Mantilla twitched in Fr Ray's direction.

I knew I'd forgotten to mention another blog... Jay has a blog just for meditation themes which you can check out HERE. She appears to have another blog as well, but that's a private one.


  1. Thanks Mac for providing link to my blog, and I am a woman. I did not include much details in my profile not to draw attention to myself but rather to the meditations. I am just in the background there. God bless!

  2. I've amended the post accordingly. Good article on Fatima BTW !

  3. Mac - at what point does it become sinful to be blogging - it seems to take an awful amount of time - reading and writing - thoughts, please!?

  4. Errr... the sinfulness of any action seems to be rather more in your line of things Father!

    However, I assume that, as long as it does not interfere with ones rightful duties and obligations, it is fine (and infinitely more edifying than many other perfectly licit occupations... like watching TV!)

    ...and once you get the hang of it, it doesn't take up so much time.

  5. Anonymous8:51 am

    Ah; thank you. I like his style; I am going to have to read it.
