Monday 16 April 2007

Sad, Sad Day...

...OK, so no Motu Proprio today...

However, checking the Vatican Website, I noticed that they had a section labelled "Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office under embargo" so something seems to be afoot...


  1. Anonymous8:57 pm

    Where...? I've never seen that before. Do show...

  2. Anonymous10:06 pm

    Oooh. Thanks! I used to just look at the What's New...

  3. Anyone wanting a chuckle on the subject come over & have a look at the post script to my birthday greeting to the Holy Father.

  4. Well today was an extra holiday for the Holy See workforce, so it was unlikely that HH would make a big announcement that would involve any work on the part of others. They were probably all enjoying a long morning coffee, a jolly good celebratory lunch and an extra long siesta!

    It seems that Pope Benedict is encouraging cultivation of the virtue of patience among the Faithful!

  5. PS How do you get hyperlinks into messages?

  6. It's difficult to demonstrate without acccidentally creating the link - thereby removing the code from sight! If I try to do it step by step, it gets rejected as the tags aren't closed! I'll email you!

  7. Mac, Mac, Mac! Why on earth do you torture yourself thus? I want the Motu Proprio as much as you do, but you musn't let it become a fixation!

  8. Under emabargo just means you have to be accredited by the Holy See, it dosn't mean anything more than that.

  9. SIMON !! Did you have to burst my bubble?

  10. Anonymous12:59 pm

    @Northern Cleric, you do this:

    "I want a link to the Vatican... The Vatican lives <a href="">here</a>"
