Sunday 29 April 2007

Lourdes Preparations Continue

It's very nearly the end of April, and there are only four weeks to go until our Parish Pilgrimage to Lourdes. I have the vaguely nagging feeling that I've forgotten to do something...

...I guess it'll come to me eventually!

In the meantime, I've contacted the Service Planification department to book the chapels for Mass on two days, as well as indicating our attendance at the International Mass in the St. Pius X Underground Carpark (sorry, Underground Basilica) and at a concelebrated English Mass at the Grotto itself, and also booking a guided tour round Lourdes to see where Bernadette lived, booking a slot to view a film introducing people to the town and the Domaine, and booking our slot for the Stations of the Cross...

I can't finalise the programme until they get back to me confirming that the times I requested are convenient (it is much better to be flexible in this way, and therefore get to use some really beautiful chapels, rather than insisting on a time and being dumped in a whitewashed garage masquerading as a chapel...)

I've contacted the hotel to confirm the names and room requirements of all the pilgrims in the group (there are 28 of us this year) and asked for them to arrange a coach to bring us to and from the airport...

I need to print out the programme once its finalised, print off some "corporate" luggage labels so that no-one picks up one of our cases by mistake (that was the only glitch last year, on the return leg of the journey, fortunately!) and send written instructions as to what can and can't be taken on as hand luggage.

I just can't figure out what I've forgotten... Never mind, in four weeks' time, this is what I shall be looking at:


  1. Anonymous9:30 am

    Flying hey? Some people do the 26 hour coach journey!

    God bless & hope all goes well.

  2. And just to keep you from thinking about all those preparations, I've just tagged you for a meme... ;¬)

  3. Tell everybody to personalise their hold baggage: a strap around the suitcase, a sticker, whatever. Just something to make it look different when it comes onto the carousel.

    This is getting like Viz!

  4. That's the idea behind the luggage labels - they will have a snazzy pic of Our Lady on them!

    What do you mean "getting like Viz"??

  5. Don't forget to bring Euros!!

  6. Umm... no, that wasn't it...

    (If the worst comes to the worst, I can get money from the cash machine in Lourdes...)
