Monday 26 March 2007

Political Correctness

I really hate it when things are done for the sake of political correctness. Regular readers will already know how I feel about "inclusive" language, and how it is frankly patronising to assume that, just because I have two X chromosomes, I do not know the meaning of the word "mankind" but have to have it translated for me...

Anyway, the Easter Bunny is apparently offensive to Muslims and Jews in Rhode Island. Or rather, the Schools Superintendent thinks that the Easter Bunny is offensive after a complaint from the ex-Catholic Vice-Chairman of the Schools Committee.

Personally I'm not too keen on bunnies, Easter or otherwise. I just hate political correctness. So I was delighted to read that Catholic League president Bill Donohue is fighting back... read about his entertaining counter-claim HERE.

Mantilla twitched in the direction of the Pastor in Valle.


  1. Here in Chicago, the city has "Mister Hippity Hop" come to all the parks to visit the children.
    Mister. Hippity. Hop.

    It will be a cold day in Hell when Mary Elizabeth sits on the lap of Mister Hippity Hop.

  2. yes but bunnies are so E-VIL!

  3. Personally I think that the Easter Bunny is evil...
