Tuesday 20 March 2007

New Car-Parking Facility For Women

With the high rate of attacks on women in secluded car parks, especially during evening hours, the Sydney City Council has established a "Women Only" car park in George Street.

Even the car park attendants are exclusively female so that a comfortable environment is created for patrons...

Anyone who has been in a car with me while I am trying to park will understand why I think this is a great idea...

...actually, on reflection, anyone who has been in a car with me while I am attempting to drive will know what I'm on about... (Ha! There... got it in before Fr Tim made some disparaging comment about me and my driving skills!!)


  1. Hmm. In the context of comments about your saintly, white-haired guardian angel, I think I've probably already said enough about your relationship with our four-wheeled friends! In general terms though (and quite seriously) I think women are often better drivers than men. But parking is a different matter entirely. Why this should be, I haven't the faintest idea.

  2. Spatial awareness. Women's brains aren't as good at this. We really do think "differently" !!

    (Trust me... I studied Psychology!!)

  3. And in general terms, long may that remain so. It makes the world a good deal more interesting than it would otherwise be. I've always thought 'vive la differance' ought to be 'vive les differences'.
