Saturday 10 February 2007

Waiting To Die

...ooops, sorry, that should have read "dye" ! I'm having one of my madder days. I had my hair cut a week ago, and the hairdresser thought it looked really nice. I had to agree with her, because she had put in a lot of effort, and would have been ever so disappointed if I had told the truth and said that I thought she'd made a right pig's ear of it.

Anyway, with it being so much shorter, and very layered, the roots are showing up more than ever, so I deemed it necessary to enhance the shade a little. And since I had thirty minutes to kill while I waited for it to develop, I decided to explore the blog a little...

John Browne's Blog is well worth a visit. He seems to be blogging from Wales, though he's only studying there. It also looks as though he's thinking about the priesthood, so that's another vocation I need to add to my prayer list. I have to say that blogging is certainly encouraging for us lay Catholics... there are so many good and faithful priests, seminarians and possible seminarians who blog. The majority of the old stick-in-the-mud, doom-and-gloom, we-must-plan-for-a dwindling-church merchants are technophobes... so they stick to liturgy commission meetings and so on...



  1. Anonymous6:41 pm

    I've been reading John's blog I like it.

    We have to pray for all those discerning vocations. The doom-and-gloom people are like a halter round our necks. We need to throw that off and reach for the stars.

    What I mean is, we must allow people to have dreams and aims. After all, imagine if someone had put, for example, John Paul II off!

  2. Anonymous8:47 pm

    Thank you very much for the prayers. They're both appreciated and needed! I have added you to my prayer list, which I keep behind my crucifix. God keep you well.
