Wednesday 7 February 2007

No-one As Dictatorial As A Liberal...

I've often thought it: liberals can tolerate everything except dissent from their own liberal views.

It's a bit like the old joke:

"When I am made President, everyone will be rich enough to drive round in Rolls Royces!"
"What happens if you don't want to drive in a Rolls Royce?"
"When I am President, you won't have any choice!"

However, Fr. Dwight Longenecker has put it so much better (despite the American spelling!) so go and read his post HERE.


  1. Thanks for the mention strong woman, but do be careful about that unfortunate English tendency to be snobbish about Americans.

    We're yore cuzzins, and ya'll shore do hurt our feelings when you talk like that. We shore caint help it we iz so stoopid and ya'll are so smart. Try to have pity on us dumb provinshul folks...

  2. It was more a reference to the spelling, Father... sorry, didn't mean to be rude!!

  3. Anonymous11:36 am

    Fr.Dwights post appears to be about tolerance and relativism, your post is about Liberals. I'm interested to know how you have related the these concepts.

  4. Anonymous, my comment referred to "liberals" - lower-case "L"

    Dictionary definition: liberal: relating to, or having policies or views advocating individual freedom; synonym, tolerant.

    I respectfully suggest that you buy a dictionary.

  5. I would love to have a running chat about the differences between American and British spelling. I think it was the attempt of American lexicographer Daniel Webster to standardize spelling and make it more rational. So why should some words with the same sound end with 'er' and some with 're'? (Answer because they came from different languages into English) Webster thought they should be standardized. He also thought the extra 'u' in words like behavior could be dropped to simplify. I believe part of his motivation was to make English easier to learn for all the immigrants coming to USA.

  6. Anonymous3:52 pm

    I think telling a person to 'buy a dictionary' is a little rude. I understand your point that some tolerance is 'bad' but really I think a little more tolarance towards your posters would have just been good manners.

    Are you trying to intimidate your readers or are you just pulling their leg?

  7. Anonymous8:31 pm

    Lighten up Rose or your petals might drop!

    And perhaps I might respectfully and tolerantly suggest that you could do with a peek at your dictionary to learn the spelling of 'tolarance' or is it 'tolerance'
