Saturday 6 January 2007

Fame at Last...

Yippee. My rant about PC Christmas Carols made it onto Fr Tim's blog.

This means that:
1) I should get lots and lots and LOTS more hits on my blog (very good for the ego) and
2) Fr Tim might actually get round to burning the hymn books, like he promised. After all, what's a little extra carbon dioxide among friends??! Global warming is not necessarily a bad thing... It'll help keep down heating bills for the elderly.

I particularly enjoyed the graphic representation of a typical female response to patronising PC nerds (oops, sorry, caring, sharing, sensitive new-man types!)


  1. Fr Tim was kind enough to link to me the other day (as was an American Catholic blog called Happy Catholic). Ah-ha, I thought to myself, lot's more hits! Were there? I dunno, because the website that monitors my blog traffic, such as normally is, has gone down. In the immortal words of Bridget Jones, Gahhhhhh!!!!

  2. Anonymous8:58 pm

    I like this one too, Mac!

    Question: is there any desire from women in the Church to have the language changed, or is this PC rebranding coming from so-called feminazis?

  3. Feminazis, definitely.

    Intelligent women know the difference between sex and species - ie. "Man" indicates Homo sapiens rather than an individual with a "Y" chromosome.

  4. Anonymous10:58 pm

    So, not to labour this, but... you wouldn't take offence at 'man-hours' then, or 'manning levels'?

  5. Of course I take offence!! Haven't you read my post on the introduction of gender-neutral language for things like "person-hole covers" "personagement positions" and so on? I think that courses like the one you described should be made persondatory, and while you're at it, make sure that policepersons don't personhandle any miscreants!!

    (Noooooo... please save me from Politically Correct claptrap!)
