Sunday 14 January 2007

Another Blog With Good Taste...

My blog has just been "discovered" by Autumn Rose. She's a convert from the Baptist Church, though I haven't managed to find out how recent... her blog, Christ's Rose, has been up and running since September 2006. I just had a look, and I'm feeling jealous: when you hover the cursor over a link, a picture of the site pops up, which is pretty neat. My blog feels positively underdressed in comparison.

Hmmn. Either Autumn Rose is a computer whizz, or WordPress have some pretty amazing templates...

UPDATE: I just had to swipe the "Proud Catholic" GIF for my sidebar... I think it compliments the "I support the Pope" banner and the Papal flag!


  1. Anonymous2:41 pm

    It's Wordpress, not me...I'm not techie at all ;)

    Thanks for the mention, I look forward to visiting you regularly!

    I was received into the Church on Nov 5th 2006, and confirmed on Nov 8th ~ so I'm a very recent convert, but my heart has been Catholic for a lot longer than that :)

  2. Anonymous4:58 pm

    No disrespect to Autumn Rose, but Wordpress rocks!

  3. That is definately a very flash thing to be able to do. I have read that it is possible to transfer from Blogger to Wordpress and have often thought about doing so myself as it does seem to me that WP gives you more options, but I fear something going wrong and losing everything. One or two blogs I read have said they are transferring so I'm waiting to see what happens to them.
