Sunday 31 December 2006

The Patter of Tiny Feet

Oh wow! I am an Auntie!

My little nephew was born (11 days early) at 4:48am this morning, 6lb 11oz (that's 3.05 kg). Apparently my sister had a rather hard time of it - her waters broke yesterday, she had to be induced, and it was a forceps delivery, and she had to have a blood transfusion, but she and the baby are ok. The baby is called Giacomo Daniele (I've just realised that his parents have named their baby after a brand of whisky... Jack Daniels!!)

I rang the hospital to find out how everyone was, but on hearing that I was merely the sister I was told that a message to say I'd phoned would be passed on.

Thanks to everyone who said a prayer!


  1. Congratulations, Mac! On the name, thank heaven for small mercies. Imagine if the poor mite were called "Glenfiddich".

  2. ROFL - yes, there is much to be thankful for!!

  3. Anonymous2:56 pm

    Congratulations Mac, when are you going to meet your nephew

  4. Anonymous3:52 pm

    Oh, you'll be ready to dandle! That's what aunts do, isn't it?

  5. Wikipedia has a whole article on whiskey brands, of which my favourites are Dufftown and Chivas Regal.

    Congratulations to mother and well down to you!

  6. Anonymous5:18 pm

    Oh, my! What wonderful news!

    Congratulations to everyone!

  7. Thanks to everyone for their kind wishes and congratulations...

    ...I feel like a bit of a fraud... I didn't do anything, and here I am basking in reflected glory...!
