Friday 29 December 2006

Feast of St Thomas of Canterbury

I've read a couple of complaints on other blogs about the "downgrading" of St Thomas to a Commemoration. I don't actually understand what the problem is... in my Breviary it's down as a Feast (admittedly in the section proper to England) and he's identified as Patron of the English Pastoral Clergy, and it has the same format as the other feasts we've celebrated during the Octave...

Obviously some people need to read their Breviaries a little more carefully...



  1. Anonymous3:02 pm

    It is the Diocesan Ordo that dictates what is and what isn't celebrated. The Breviary and Missal seem to be in and out of date depending on which Diocesan Ordo you happen to be subject to!

    gives the details of the revised National Calendar.

  2. That was indeed the case until 2000, when the new National Calendar classified St Thomas as an Optional Memoria rather than a Feast, in view of the Christmas Octave.

    However, I'm delighted that many people will be technically misled by their breviaries to keep St Thomas as a Feast rather than a Commemoration.

    Glad you enjoyed Stonyhurst!

  3. ... or someone needs to buy a newer edition of the Breviary!

    Women: Know Your Limits!

  4. Women: Know Your Limits!

    ...*grins* hoist by my own petard!! Very funny dĂșnadan!!

    BUT... in my defence (having just got the directory out to check) I find that Southwark Diocese has "got it wrong too" as they describe the day as a Feast, National calendar... (2006 edition, dĂșnadan!!)

  5. Hmm. That doesn't surprise me. They are a funny bunch south of the river.

  6. Anonymous4:59 pm

    You could have gone to the old rite and celebrated as a national proper feast!!!
