Wednesday 1 November 2006

Virtual Pet

I probably shouldn't have... I feel guilty enough about not making enough of a fuss of Sylvester (my real cat) as it is...

But I spotted this on Antonia's World, and I thought it was really cute. If you click on the kitten, it comes out of the basket. If you click and move the cursor over the kitten, it purrs. And if you click on the button saying "more" you get a cat toy and catfood to play with as well...

I decided to call him Felix. I found out that Felis sylvestris is Latin for a wildcat. I wanted to call him something to do with All Saints, but my lack of a Classical education means that my Latin isn't up to anything witty...

Yes, ok, I'm trying to avoid doing any marking...

...but the kitty is definitely cute. So for the moment he's going into my sidebar. Unless I decide to trade him in for a duck...

You can get one too... HERE.

Update: I got irritated by the fact that my home computer can't really cope with the cat's presence (it is a very old computer) and since I am fonder of the computer than the virtual cat, I'm afraid Felix has been consigned to the outer darkness... but the links still work if you want to have a go for yourself!!

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