Thursday 2 November 2006

New Deadly Sin?

This made me chuckle. I haven't quite recovered from the fact that I'm not allowed my coffee machine in my classroom (and I know what will happen if I leave it in the staffroom) and since I dislike weak coffee so much I'm reduced to drinking cola all day...

H/T to the Ironic Catholic for this one.


  1. Anonymous8:54 am

    You know Mac, I always wonder what the poor old Sloth's did that turned them deadly sinful!

    I mean they kind of just meander among the branches in trees minding their own business not really impinging upon anybody's rights, or shouting 'Yah boo sucks' out loud in the rainforest disturbing others or anything.

    Why aren't Aardvark's classed as sinful? How'd they get away with it? I reckon it's all Darwin's fault!

    Me nuts? No - it's Friday and that means the weekend starts TODAY!

  2. Actually, George, did you realise that Friday is traditionally known as "Poets Day"?

    ...Push Off Early, Tomorrow's Saturday!!

  3. And Hammerbrecher, I tried the thermos option. Unfortunately it kept leaking all over my books... which gave my students no end of amusement, when I was handing THEM work with coffee stains on it!!

    So yes, I have to go and get a new thermos. And then I have to crack the "getting up early enough in the morning to get the coffee machine up and running..."

  4. Anonymous12:23 pm

    You wanna try the Staff room option, there have been several machines in there undamaged for 2 years.

    How do your colleagues feel about your attitude?????

  5. Anonymous1:21 pm

    Anonymous comment like that from a fellow member of staff?!

    I'd steer clear of the staffroom if I were you - get yourself a new thermos that doesn't leak :-)
