Tuesday 7 November 2006

Me and My Mantilla

I hate having my photo taken... I am tempted to refer to myself as the "Lesser-Spotted" Mulier Fortis!! However, the picture of a cat on my profile just didn't look right, especially as Jess isn't even my cat.

Fr Tim offered to take a photo of me, and on my pointing out that I didn't have a suitable brown paper bag to cover my face (a burkha would give the wrong impression), he told me that the mantilla would do...

I do think he definitely picked the most flattering view: the back of my head. And in case you're wondering, I'm in front of the Lady Altar at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Blackfen.


  1. That's a beautiful picture and a beautiful altar. :-)

  2. Like I said, definitely the best view!! It's even more lovely when we have Mass there on a Saturday morning...

  3. Anonymous3:53 pm

    Argh! One altar that hasn't been subjected to the wreckovation schemes of Vatican II!!!

    Nice mantilla btw :)

  4. Actually, Andrew, the Lady Altar was the victim of reckovation in another parish... Fr Tim offered to give it a home when he discovered it was going to be thrown out.

    ...the only down side is that it makes our High Altar look a little plain by comparison!!

  5. Anonymous8:04 pm

    Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?

    What a marvellous sight to behold!

  6. Why, thank you, Anonymous

    *simpers and bats eyelashes*

    ...no, it's ok, I do realise that you're talking about the Lady Altar and the rather snazzy statue...

