Monday 30 October 2006


I don't like Halloween - I get a little cheesed off by all the kiddies being encouraged to go and bug people for sweets... being dressed up as ghouls, witches and demons just makes it worse. One year a friend of mine lay in wait for the hoards with a big basket of miraculous medals, which I have to say is a pretty good idea, apart from the fact that it encourages the little blighters to knock on more doors...

...and one year the children of other friends lay in wait at an upstairs window: when the visitors shouted "Trick or Treat?" they were greeted by cries of "Trick" accompanied by a dousing from above via a hosepipe which the ingenious youngsters had set up.

But this little offering on a newly discovered (well, it's new to me!) blog made me laugh...

1 comment:

  1. Interesting... thankfully we don't 'celebrate' Halloween here in Australia at all. It's not just me, the country doesn't
