Thursday 17 August 2006

Servers and Serviettes

I obviously have a little too much free time on my hands this holiday (ie. I'm not spending as much time as I should on preparing for the new term) but I came across Indolent Server's blog. He's been posting some cute cartoons of an altar server called Speck... I was also highly amused by his referring to female altar servers as "serviettes" !


  1. Thank you for pointing me in his direction. I just linked him....

    You know, on my first day as an Altar Boy, I came running into the house exclaiming that the priest had just told me God's phone number:

    Et Cum Spiri Two Two Oh !!!!!!

  2. *groan*

    Brother, that was truly awful!

    Almost as bad as the one where a little boy comes running in during a thunder storm exclaiming "Mummy, mummy! God's just taken my picture!!"
