Thursday 24 August 2006

Family Prayers

Friends of mine invited me round for dinner this evening. I was in for a real treat: the meal was excellent (as always) and the conversation flowed, but the highlight of the evening was being invited to join the family for their night prayers.

Five children (there would have been six, but the eldest is married and doesn't live at home) and their parents knelt down in the living room together to pray a decade of the Rosary, a litany of favourite family saints, an act of contrition and a few other prayers before the younger children scooted off to bed. I couldn't help thinking that if more families prayed together there would be far fewer problems in the world.

I felt so privileged to be with them.

1 comment:

  1. "I felt so privileged to be with them."

    You were! It's the holiest part of a family's day:
