Friday 29 April 2016

Miaowrini's New Hobby...

Miaowrini appears to have started a new hobby... or, rather, adopted a new approach to an old hobby...

She now comes in through the catflap late at night and miaows in a particular way for attention. The sound is unmistakable as she has a mouth full of mouse. She then deposits the mouse in the hall in front of my bedroom door (directly in line with my pillows, so I can't miss it), bats it about a bit, looks in my direction as if to say "Deal with it!" and promptly stalks off.

When I attempt to retrieve the unfortunate mouse, she suddenly comes back to watch. Sometimes she tries to swat it from my hand. I get the distinct impression I'm being Ofsteded by my own cat...

She appears to have discovered a regular supply - yesterday she brought me three. I have visions of seagulls lurking in dark alleys: "Pssst... you wanna score some mouse?"


  1. She's a clever one!!!

  2. She clearly thinks you're not getting enough to eat, and that you should be more pro-active about it.

  3. Sounds a better mouser than Larry the Lazy at 10 Downing.
