Monday 4 January 2016

Miracles Are Where You Look For Them...

Some time in November, I suddenly became aware that I'd lost the ring I'd bought to commemorate my dedication to God as a single woman living and working in the world. I say "suddenly" - it was quite a shock to realise that my ring finger was completely bare.

At first I assumed it had slipped off in the night when I'd had my hand under my pillow. I was sure that I'd find it again when I got home. It wasn't there.

I looked in all the places I could think of. I even thought that the cats might have found it, and after a game of chase, have left it under a cupboard. I scoured the flat, without any joy.

I checked my jacket pockets, my handbag, and my coat pockets. I prayed to St. Anthony. Nothing. I even checked my gloves in case, in my haste to take them off, the ring had remained trapped in the material.

By the end of December, I gave the ring up for lost. I assumed that I had pulled it free when retrieving my ticket on the train, and that it had dropped to the floor unnoticed.

On Saturday I decided to buy a replacement. The original had been an inexpensive gold band from Argos, and, as I was in Victoria, I popped in to the Argos branch there. Alas, they didn't have the ring in my size, and I had to abandon the idea.

This afternoon I was in a bit of a hurry to leave school at the end of the day. Making a grab for my coat, I dropped it. Imagine my surprise when I saw my ring roll out from under it...

A little miracle to cheer up my day...


  1. Sometimes St Anthony takes a while... :-)

  2. That Saint Anthony. He really
    likes a little joke, doesn't he ?

    I've never known him to fail.

    Congratulations, Mac.

    Delighted for you.

  3. I concur with Zephy - St. Anthony is a great chap, and has helped me out on many occasions.

    It was through my mother encouraging me to ask his help to find lost things when I was a toddler that I began to learn about Saints and how their prayers and aid can be at our disposal.

    Congratulations on finding your ring.

  4. Glad you found it. I lost my wedding ring once and was frantic looking in every conceivable place. I finally DID find it, after 2 days, checking a place I'd already checked at least twice to see if it had fallen in a particular bag. I have always been tight with St. Anthony. He's the best.

  5. Lovely story - so pleased you found your ring. A little miracle indeed to cheer up your day.

    I know you love cats and I've just found on You Tube a short film which is bound to cheer up any catlover. I ended up laughing out loud as well as enjoying the cat pictures as the film records the voice of an extraordinary American singer(?)unique in every way. Her name was Florence Jenkins and you can find her on You Tube under 'Florence Jenkins massacres Mozart.' A real tonic!
