Friday 1 January 2016

Happy New Year...

I hadn't intended to be up and about for the witching hour as I'm trying to get back into regular sleeping patterns for the new term, which starts on Monday. However, since I found myself wide awake, I decided to watch the firework display over Margate's harbour arm from my front room. It was glorious, but rain on my windows marred the photo just a tad.

2015 has been my worst year for blogging output since I started back in May 2006; looking at my sidebar list of posts revealed that I published only 28 posts. That averages out at one every two weeks. And I've realised that I have actually missed blogging. Writing helped me to marshal my arguments and think things through. So one of my New Year's resolutions is to write more for the blog.

Of course, my track record for keeping New Year's resolutions isn't particularly good...


  1. if you want inspiration for blogging, you own two furry serial killers... I only really came here for the cat posts anyway.

  2. Happy New Year, Mac, and do please resume blogging. A post on two cats and a little dog ... ?

  3. I visit here from time to time but don't comment. This time I am tempted to. Regarding resolutions: I have decided as my New Year resolution not to care. I've written about it on my Blog.

    Happy New Year. God bless.

  4. Good to read your latest Post, Mac.

    Welcome back.

    A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year
    to you and "Les Moggies" (it's French, you know).

    Continue to enjoy your new sea-side location
    and marvellous firework displays.

    (And Bijou Cider Bars and Eateries (Estaminets).

    Hope to visit before too long.

    in Domino

  5. Bonum Novum Annum tibi moggibusque

    (To go one better than Zephy ;-) )

    (Assuming 'moggis - 3rd. Declension;pl. dat. moggibus)



    Best wishes,

  6. Well done, Matthaeus.

    You win, hands down.

  7. Belated happy new year. I enjoyed watching the fireworks from London on Sky News at GMT -5 where I live in the States. It was a spectacular show; it seems like some of the fireworks came right out of the Eye. Nothing beats seeing fireworks from your house, though. Prayers for many graces this year, with extra prayers for Fr. Finnigan. Pats for the moggies, too : )
