Tuesday 18 February 2014

Feeling Slightly Aggrieved...

I am not entirely happy. My all-new, super-dooper, snazzy new phone (a Galaxy Note 3) has been rendered almost completely useless by virtue of the fact that the North of England has very limited wifi access and non-existent phone signals for O2 (yeah, a VAST oversimplification, but that's what it feels like...)

So my cunning plans (to use my mobile as a sort of modem to allow me to blog on my laptop, and to live-tweet the talks I'm attending) have been well and truly scuppered.

I'm here for the Faith Movement's Theological Symposium. It's been pretty amazing so far - we've had three sessions (two talks and a discussion) led by Fr. Dylan James on the Orthodox "position" on divorce and remarriage. Listening to the highly detailed discussions which have ensued, on the implications for practice in the Latin Church, has left me both encouraged and appalled in almost equal measure. I need more time to digest what I've heard...

There is a bit of a queue for the guest computer, so today's post is necessarily brief, but I shall try to get a few thoughts down for tomorrow...

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