Sunday 16 February 2014

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Fr. Tim made a light-hearted comment about asking the Day With Mary team whether they had any DVDs on liturgical dance. At least, I think it was light-hearted. But the MC was tidying up the choir's music cupboard and he discovered the following instruments (of torture)...


I also think that our Maestra di Cappella is missing a trick or two in her recruitment campaign for new choir members. She ought to advertise what she keeps stored next to the music...


No wonder the choir is always so cheerful...

1 comment:

  1. I never knew that shelf was white til Mr MC gallantly tidied it. Now I can open the doors without risking a deluge of random musical items of the last 69 engulfing me.

    The drinkies are a kind gift from a parishioner. We are hoarding for when Blackfen gets flooded.

    The choir are supplied ample rations of tea, coffee and biscuits.
