Monday 9 December 2013

First Vespers of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception...

2013-12-07 15.08.23

My Renewal of Vows on Saturday was followed by the celebration of First Vespers of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, which was a fabulous way to round off the day (and made up for the fact that I felt like death warmed up!)

I love this particular feast - there is something so right about it. Just think, if you were God, and could choose your own mother, wouldn't you want to make her as perfect as it was possible to be, untouched by Original Sin (with all that entails)? Well, Jesus is God, and he did just that...

2013-12-07 14.32.10

2013-12-07 14.29.55

And then, on Sunday morning, we had the Mass for the Feast itself... (it takes precedence over the Second Sunday of Advent in the Extraordinary Form calendar.)

2013-12-08 11.12.26


  1. "Just think, if you were God, and could
    choose your own mother, wouldn't you
    want to make her as perfect as it
    was possible to be, untouched by Original Sin
    (with all that entails)? Well, Jesus is God,
    and he did just that..."


    Well done, Mac.

    As always, wonderful pics.

    Many congratulations on your Renewal of Vows.

  2. Congrats. sorry I overslept. I was ticked at myself. In the US Dec. 8th is a Holy Day of Obligation as the Immaculate Conception is our Patron Saint.
