Sunday 4 August 2013

Shall I Change My Name To Cassandra...?

As the Greek myths tell it, Cassandra, daughter of King Priam, was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo, but, after she refused his advances, he cursed her so that she would never be able to convince people her prophecies were true.

I pointed out, back in December, that Cameron's quadruple-lock "assurances" about churches not being forced to carry out same-sex "marriage ceremonies" were not worth much, because the European Court of Human Rights had already stated clearly that, if same-sex couples were allowed to "marry" then any church that offers weddings would be guilty of discrimination if it declined to marry same-sex couples.

One didn't really need to be Cassandra to foresee that, once same-sex "marriage" became legal, there was bound to be someone just itching to push for a full church wedding, with all the trimmings... Sure enough, less than a month after the legislation hit the statute books, one couple plans to sue the Church of England. I felt a grudging admiration for the blatant honesty in the comment: "I am still not getting what I want."

I very much doubt that it will stop there...


  1. I'm not at all surprised. I thought the same thing over a year ago and knew it would happen, and in particular thought the C of E would be the first to be challenged because they are the official state church, and in theory ANYONE can be married there as long as at least one of the parties is a baptized Christian.

    I mentioned this to an Anglican priest I know some time back and he said "oh, they can't force us to do that" and I said "I bet they will try."

  2. The assault upon ourselves will soon commence and I am no prophet!
