Sunday 11 August 2013

I Wasn't Planning Another Cat Post, But...

... I videoed Furretti responding to her name (or perhaps, to be more accurate, the sound of my voice). She must have been just by the catflap when I called (the other side of a fence at the side of the building) and she either scooted under or over the fence to come running.

She then decided to go and explore somewhere else in the sunshine, and despite all my blandishments, she hasn't come home yet. Miaowrini, on the other hand, came in demanding to be fed something nicer than dry biscuits... but I didn't get that on camera...

But I'm feeling loved and appreciated...


  1. Off topic...slightly.
    I note that your "Kitty Kill" counter gives a total of small birds dead 2.5 ! Does this mean that one small bird was only half dead- or that only half the remains of the bird were found and you were unable to verify whether the other half had escaped extinction?

  2. A couple of months ago, my male came running down the street when I called him. A neighbor who saw this remarked, "He really loves you!"
    I wonder what reception I'll get when I return from my ten-day holiday with my family. (We have crossed the pond and are in stratford City , near the Olympic Park. We even deliberated attending the 1030 Mass in Blackfen this morning but opted for Brompton Oratory instead.) My plot tto shut the kitties in when we left worked, and they should be inside "for the duriation" with occasional visits from my brother. (I did pick them up a little something from Harrod's.) They like to be out (the male was out all night preceding our departure, the female until nearly midnight), but the alternative was to have them living outside for ten days eating from bowls on the porch because they will not go in the house for my parents and brother when they mind them.
    We are enjoying England very much (my son loves the tube) and were able to visit St. Margaret Clitherow's home and plan a pilgrimage to Walsingham on Tuesday or Wednesday. Please pray that we continue to have a safe trip.

  3. Sorry to read that Christine and her family
    couldn't make the 1030hrs Missa Cantata
    Mass on Sunday at Blackfen.

    They would have been made most welcome.

    Perhaps next time they visit, they could visit Blackfen
    for the Mass and, also, drop off their kitties for Mac
    to look after for the duration of their visit ?

    I'm sure Furretti and Miaowrini would love the company !!!

  4. Patricius, you obviously missed this post which explains the 0.5 of a bird (unidentified)...

  5. Sorry. Can't have been paying attention, Miss.

  6. Probably missed it - I hadn't posted anything for aaaaages... ;-p

  7. Christine said: "A couple of months ago,
    my male came running down the street
    when I called him. A neighbor who saw this
    remarked, "He really loves you!"

    You're blessed to have such a devoted husband, Christine.

  8. Sorry, Zephyrinus, I was talking about my male cat.

    We have returned to the states and fournd our cats did not take our absence well. When we opened the door, the female cat ran away from me, and I could not find the male cat. The family members caring for the cats in our absence said they never saw him. About fifteen minutes after I dame in, Iheard a meow (miaow); the male cat had been hiding in the ceiling! Both cats were afraid to go ourside, which they usually love to do. When they eventually did go out, they stayed closer to home than usual. after about an hour, I was able to pick up and pat the male cat. The female cat was very happy to be sleeping with us later that evening.

    I am sorry to have missed you all and your wonderful parish. If I ever visit the London area again, I will make it a priority to visit Blackfen (the devout parish life is attractive, the concept of a parish pub intriguing . . . )I would have loved to have swapped stories of parish life (so much like my parish at home), and maybe even a few cat stories . . .

  9. Zephyrinus was having a little joke, Christine!
