Thursday 18 July 2013

It's Official...

Cardinal Furretti has decided that the weather is a bit warm, and so she's started to sleep in the sink...

Part of me is tempted to give her a trim...


  1. don't be tempted to touch up the roots !

  2. Mac, that would be the part of you that secretly yearns to be eviscerated by 5 pounds of irate teeth and claws!

  3. This is a clear demonstration of the difference between men and women. You think of giving her a trim. I doubt if there is more than 1% if boys or men whose first thought would not be to turn the taps on.

  4. Fr. Tim,

    I'm afraid I have to concur - it was my first thought when I saw the picture.

  5. I'm a gal, and my first thought was turn on the taps.
