Friday 31 May 2013

A Problem With Nomenclature...

Unlike Mothering Sunday, which is a real Church feast (Laetare Sunday, the fourth Sunday in Lent), Fathers' Day is an invention of the greetings card industry which wanted to cash in. Times change, and no-one sends greetings cards these days, so the field has been left wide open for restaurants to jump in on the act.

Strangely, Parent 1 Day and Parent 2 Day don't seem to have the same appeal...


  1. We need special Sundays then for Father's Day, Mother's Day, Parent 1's Day, Parent 2's Day and Surrogate Mother Who Bore The Kid But Then Gave It Away's Day?

  2. I think they'll merge it into parents day; otherwise you're saying that one parent is more important or that the parents raising the children take precedence over the surrogate or sperm donor depending on which was required.
