Wednesday 10 April 2013

Time For A Re-Vamp...

I've been feeling rather under the weather this past week. I even found myself craving tangerines, though I'm regretting having succumbed to the temptation, as they're awkward to peel and I keep finding bits of tangerine peel everywhere, as well as having squirted juice in my eye on more than one occasion.

Anyway, I have been singularly devoid of blogging inspiration all week. I've concluded that I need to do a bit of blog spring-cleaning as a way to get the creative impulses firing. The blogrolls are way, way too long to be useful, and I suspect that several of the links are dead. They need some serious pruning,and I may change to the snippet-based rolls which change according to the most recent posts.

I think I shall retain the colour scheme and the background photo of the Rosary Basilica at Lourdes... Not sure about keeping the Kitty Kill Counter, though I suspect that, if I take it down, the cats will go on a murderous spree in revenge for being downgraded...

Any comments welcome...


  1. No! No! Please don't kill the Kitty Kill Counter!

    I enjoy the updates, which put my staid middle-aged cat to shame. Although she did wake me early on Easter Sunday morning by tossing a (dead) mouse around my bedroom floor. I got it away from her and disposed of it, and two hours later she did in another one and had it half-eaten before I could intervene.

    Those were two very stupid mice.

  2. Hi Mac: Your craving for tangerines is for Vitamin C perhaps....signal to rest a bit? Anyway, I didn't know that the background was of Lourdes...would love to see more of it. Perhaps a little portrait of your two precocious kitties somewhere more prominent? Actually I am a dog person but have grown to love your little ones.

  3. You may want to take a look at the Cat Bib. I've used it and it really works. I've included the link to the UK distributor.

    It only took about an hour for Erica (my kitty) to get used to wearing it. She wore it one whole summer and would come up to me to have it put on before going outside. She was rather proud of her bib. After that summer she sort of gave up on the concept of hunting birds. Hunting pocket gophers is encouraged.

    The only annoying part was when Erica would lose her bib and collar and I'd have to hunt all over at least 3 of our 5 acres to find it. It usually turned up under a tree somewhere.

  4. Mari Kate - you can find more posts by typing "Lourdes" into the search box at the top of the blog. I've posted about several Parish Pilgrimages to Lourdes. There are lots of posts with photos and descriptions of what we did and when.

    But, if you just want to see photos, check out the ones I put on Flickr back in 2010 after the Parish Pilgrimage.

  5. Adrienne - I feel that a cat bib (like a bell on a collar) would spoil my kitties' fun... and there is a part of me that is incredibly proud of my cats' hunting skills...

  6. will do. merci,Mac.

  7. I'm not sure where to find the blonde jokes repository but here's a link to blond male jokes.

  8. Oh, whatever you do, please do keep the kitty kill count! I enjoy seeing it, and enjoy even more your posts when you update it. :D

  9. Keep me on your blogroll, I'm am starting to feel inspired again. Coming out of depression. I love the kitty kill count. Please retain it!
