Monday 8 April 2013

Frequent Confession...

Vox in Rama posted a picture of a book she's just finished reading on Facebook. As her book addiction is far more serious than mine, I was rather amused to note that it was a book I had bought and read several years ago.

It really is an excellent book - not least because it explains so clearly why going regularly to Confession to confess venial sins is such a help in the spiritual life. As someone who has been discouraged in the past by the attitudes of some priests (and Bishops), it is great to hear the practice given a positive press.
"What we have in mind is the frequent and regular Confession of a person who in general does not commit mortal sin but rather lives a life of union with God and is bound to him by love. Such a person may, nevertheless, be guilty of many disloyalties and failings. He may have various weaknesses and bad habits and perverse inclinations, and he may have to struggle hard with his inordinate desires and his self-love. It is not a matter of indifference to him that here and there he has acted against his conscience, even though it be in nonessential matters."
Do go and read Vox in Rama's review in full too.


  1. Thank you for posting this-just purchased a copy. This after three books just arrived and told myself no more books. But this looks like a real gem and worth the guilt which I can talk about in confession...

  2. Thank you, Mac, for this post. I have just ordered a copy of the book from Amazon. I think I'll find it really helpful.

  3. I purchased and read this book a couple of years ago, and I also recommend it highly.
