Tuesday 23 April 2013

Congratulations Are In Order...

Joanna Bogle (Auntie Joanna Writes) has been made a Dame of St. Gregory in one of the last acts of Pope Benedict XVI. Many, many congratulations are in order - it is a well-deserved honour, as Joanna has been an indefatigable defender of the Faith for many years.


  1. That's not the same bike that appears in Fr. Finigan's photo on his Blog, is it ?

    Congratulations to Auntie Joanna.

    Well merited.

  2. I had never even heard of Joanna Bogle, much less her blog, until I saw your post yesterday. I've spent the last two days reading her blog back to the very first post and thoroughly enjoying it. Sounds like her title is much deserved! Many thanks for linking over there for us. :)
