Monday 25 March 2013

I've Won An Award...

It's about time... I haven't had any awards for simply ages, and so I was rather pleased to get this... until I realised that it was awarded for being unpopular...

(Ok, ok... it's for being not as well-known as other blogs!)

I got the award earlier in the week from the most excellent Countercultural Father. Unfortunately, having been rather busy with Confirmations and stuff, I didn't get around to awarding the Liebster Award to anyone else, and now quite a few of my options have already received the award from other sources.

The current requirements have evolved over time and are as follows:
  1. Post the Liebster award graphic on your site.
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated the blog for a Liebster Award and link back to their blog.
  3. The blogger then writes 11 facts about himself or herself so people who discover his or her blog through the Liebster post will learn more about him or her.
  4. In addition to posting 11 fun facts about themselves, nominated bloggers should also answer the 11 questions from the post of the person who nominated them.
  5. The nominated blogger will in turn, nominate 9 other blogs with 200 or less followers (I'm guessing for my nominees) for a Liebster award by posting a comment on their blog and linking back to the Liebster post.
  6. The nominated blogger will create 11 questions for his or her nominated blogs to answer in their Liebster post.
So, 1 and 2 are already completed... thanks Ben... remember that no good deed goes unpunished!

Finding 11 fun facts about myself might be a bit tricky... I'll settle for 11 facts...
  1. I am a Catholic woman... I returned to the Church just over 20 years ago - in my defense, I had been very poorly catechised after being baptised at 13 to get my sister into a Catholic school.
  2. I love the Usus Antiquior.
  3. I wear a mantilla.
  4. I love cats. Actually, I am crazy about them.
  5. One of my cats (Cardinal Furretti) is named after a dead Pope (Mastai-Ferretti was the family name of Blessed Pius IX.)
  6. The other cat (Monsignor Miaowrini) is named after the Papal MC (Monsignor Guido Marini.)
  7. I teach Science.
  8. I loathe inclusive language - it's usually insulting to women.
  9. I love driving, but am not always lucky with cars.
  10. I have severe problems with my knees (a legacy from a road-traffic accident in my teens and surgery which went wrong) and one ankle (the result of falling down the sacristy steps after Mass one day.)
  11. I closed the A2 motorway in both directions when I got hit (twice) by an articulated lorry one morning in the rush-hour, spinning across three lanes and colliding with the central barrier before coming to rest, upside-down... it took the fire brigade 45 minutes to cut me out of the car.
Now to answer the questions posed by Ben...

1.  What inspired the title of your blog?  Well, I wanted to have a title that indicated my faithfulness to the Church as a woman, especially because I was tired of being "represented" by the feminazi types. I also wanted a snappy Latin title. Not knowing any Latin, I asked my Parish Priest what he thought I should call my blog...I would never have been brave enough to come up with that title myself, especially now I know it's a title used for Our Lady...
2. Why should people read your blog? Errrrm... well... there is stuff about cats and stuff about Catholicism...
3. What is your personal favourite post on your blog? That's a difficult one. I think that the most influential post has to be the one on the dilemmas of a traddy womynpriest... I think it was a post that went round the world, aided and abetted by Frs. Finigan, Blake and Zuhlsdorf, and helped along by Damian Thompson. But really, I think my best post is one I wrote arguing against the Stand Up for Vatican II crowd, pointing out that their stand was contrary to the teachings of, ummm... Vatican II.
4. What has been the most popular (most viewed) post on your blog? Strangely enough, it appears to be a game of Liturgical Chicken... how much of the music can you stand before you hit the stop button. I'm not sure how many people stumble across it while looking for real chickens, but at 19,142 page views (according to Blogger) it is far and away the most popular post. For comparison, Felix Fidei Defensor is second most popular - at 1,681 page views. Chickens are more popular than cats? Who knew??
5. Which post on your blog has attracted most comments? I don't usually get many comments, 2-3 is about average Occasionally I get a spike when something happens such as my cat dying. At first I thought that the post with most comments (33) was my Laywoman's Guide to the Usus Antiquior, but further delving revealed that it was actually a post on tacky hymns (47).
6. What other hobbies or interests (beyond blogging) are you prepared to admit to? Photography, singing and going out for dinner.
7. What are your hopes for the new pontificate? The same as my hopes for the old pontificate.
8. Where is your favourite place of pilgrimage, and why? Lourdes. It's one in the eye for anyone who claims not to believe in God or miracles because they are "rational."
9. Who is your favourite spiritual author, and why? Aaaaaaaaaaaargh. It depends what mood I'm in. Ummm... St. Louis Marie Grignon de Montfort. Or possibly St. Alphonsus Liguori. Or maybe Ven. Louis of Granada. Or perhaps Dom Lorenzo Scupoli. Or St. Francis de Sales... As for why, well, that would take forever...
10. Which of these questions did you find it most difficult to answer? The previous one!
11. Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party? No.

My 11 questions are very similar to Ben's (imitation being the sincerest form of flattery) so...
  1. What inspired the title of your blog?
  2. Why did you start to blog?
  3. What is your personal favourite post on your blog?
  4. What has been the most popular (most viewed) post on your blog?
  5. Which post on your blog has attracted most comments?
  6. What other hobbies or interests (beyond blogging) are you prepared to admit to?
  7. What has been your closest brush with death?
  8. Where is your favourite place of pilgrimage, and why?
  9. Who is your favourite spiritual author, and why?
  10. Have you ever experienced a miracle?
  11. Which of these questions did you find it most difficult to answer?
And my nine nominees for the Liebster Award are:

I'm afraid that I couldn't be bothered to work out which blogs didn't have big readerships - and am quite sure that many of the blogs I have named have more readers than me... but I have avoided the really big hitters such as Fr. Z and His Hermeneuticalness... and, actually, any priests, as they tend to have a captive audience of parishioners anyway...


  1. Congratulations Mac...Loved the requirements for the award. What a riot. I too am a convert (age 15) and madly in love with the Church and also where a Mantilla. Sounds like you are a walking miracle. Glad you have your blog. It is often great comedic relief from the other things that we need to know but can be a bit much at times. Thanks also for sharing your little family of cats with us. Now back to my DVD on St. Louis de Montfort. Louis de Granada is great company isn't he?

  2. Mac- fascinating stuff - scarey about the A2 (I used to commute along there) - the award sounds a bit like the old-style chain letter! But well deserved - you are both entertaining and serious (sometimes at the same time!)

  3. Anonymous9:54 am

    Congratulatoins, sister Fortis. I was gonna nominate you too, but then I saw that you'd already got a lobster.

  4. Anonymous11:08 am


    Will inquire about your travel arrangements before I next travel A2 !!

  5. Congratulations, Mac, and thanks for mine!!

  6. Hi! Can I nominate myself since apparently I am so unknown that no one has done it for me? That would be nice.

    Thank you and God bless


  7. Anonymous8:55 pm

    Rockin' Traddy: I know almost no-one in the blogosphere, so I'll pass my award on to you!

  8. Oh no you don't! You can't escape so easily!! Mary at The Path Less Taken got an award from Eccles so I'm transferring that one.
