Tuesday 19 March 2013


I have come to the conclusion that housework is pointless if one has cats.

As soon as I remove one pigeon carcass and hoover up the feathers, the kitties bring me another one. I suspect that the cats have discovered a source of birdseed which they are using as bait.


  1. Anonymous11:47 pm

    Has they got bells round their necks, sister?

  2. No. I don't like the idea of putting collars on cats (I'd be worried they'd get caught) and bells would be just plain mean... as well as driving me nuts after 5 mins.

    Besides which, I'm rather proud of my kitties' prowess in the hunting department...

  3. Well, my grandmothers cleaned up deer in the kitchen shot by the uncles and grandpa; and my mom cleaned up smaller mammals, which we ate, shot by dad and his brothers. So...I suggest you get a big butcher block table, some real knives, and a Dutch Oven. I think these cats are priceless sources of free protein.

  4. who can get ruffled at a little face like that?

  5. Anonymous10:26 am

    I'm with Supertradmum on this one. Once Lent is over, of course. Perhaps you need to get some lessons in chicken processing to help you along?

  6. One only needs a big pot of really hot boiling water to start. This makes the feathers fall off, or plucking easier...We might all need your new skills in the future....

  7. There is a virtue in housework. Really. I thought this morning that I might as well hoover the bedroom while its usual large feline occupant who's terrified of hoovers was out bothering the few birds that our local sparrowhawk has left. And I found a perfect little dessicated mouse behind the bedside cabinet, which explained the bad smell of the last week.
    I notice your Kitty Kill list includes not a single rat.Be very grateful for that.

  8. BTW, Mac, I've awarded you a Liebster Award - see here http://ccfather.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/the-liebster-award-helping-blog.html Onerous, but may result in some new people passing by...

  9. I think there's something far more worrying going on. Have you checked the local personal ads "Wanted -- pretty birds to model for cat - inquire (then it gives your address!)" Your cats have figured out how to use your computer. Have you noticed a spike in catnip orders with your credit cards used for same?
