Sunday 17 March 2013

A Little Humour...

Some people are getting a little over-wrought about our new Pope. Personally, I think we need to give him time... after all, being made responsible for the world's billion or so Catholics must be a bit like being hit with a ten-ton truck. Getting stressed over whether he wears the papal red shoes is perhaps a little premature. He's 76 years old, and wearing in a new pair of shoes is no joke at any age, especially if you do a lot of standing and walking. I seem to recall reading somewhere that his feet are far bigger than anyone else's in the conclave, and the ones made for possible popes just weren't big enough.

So I thought I'd share this little snippet.

A twitch of the mantilla to Damian Thompson.


  1. Absolutely brilliant. thank you Mac.

  2. Hmm. Would you accept such an excuse about the wrong uniform from a pupil?

    Surely you would want a note from his mum, at least? The you would send him to the school secretary to get a pair of old gym shoes - admit it!
