Monday 25 February 2013

Crawling Out Of The Woodwork...

For the next week or so, things are going to be horrible for Catholics. I almost envy the Cardinals their secluded Conclave - no outside information, no papers, no radio, no internet...

...Well,I did say almost...!

The abdication of the Holy Father seems to have encouraged those opposed to Pope Benedict's reforms to speak out. They have all come crawling out of the woodwork, eager to spread their dissenting opinions and views, perhaps in the hopes of influencing the choice of successor to the Chair of Peter. Annie Elizabeth told me that there was a positive side to this...

Just look at this little offering from the Editor of the Bitter Pill... (and Annie Elizabeth's riposte!)

We can see this as a positive development. It will certainly make it easier for the new Pope to clean out the dross.


  1. I am astonished at the comments even from those within the Church from some of the conservative blogs that continue to blast our Pope for abdicating. What happened to loyalty to the magisterium? Pope Benedict needs our prayers very much as does this Church, not a bunch of whiners. You are right, it is going to be rough going for Catholics but it isn't likely to stop with the election of the new Pope. It is a sign of the times.

  2. This winter seems so long and cold, the world is so violent and chaotic and Lent this year is a bitter spiritual trial. But perhaps that is what is meant to happen? We are all going through this together in a way which we have not done before? At the Angelus on Sunday the HF spoke of us all being called to go up the mountain to pray with Christ. Our beloved Church, our beloved HF.
