Tuesday 1 January 2013

Tuesday Tweeting...

The inimitable Fr. Z has suggested that all faithful Catholics who have Twitter accounts should coordinate their tweets to @Pontifex so that we get a trend going (and have a chance of the message actually getting through.)

So, the proposed tweet for Tuesday 1 Jan 2013 is simply @Pontifex Holy Father, I prayed for you today. Happy New Year of the Lord 2013!

Go for it, tweeps!


  1. A wonderful way to start the New Year!!

  2. I have tweeted @Pontifex. When directions are clear, I can follow them. It all makes sense.

  3. Amen.

    What a way to by-pass
    the Apparatchiks (unless they control
    the Twitter account, of course).

    I'm sure His Holiness will get the messages.

    in Domino.
