Wednesday 9 January 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy...!

2013-01-07 19.36.01The start of a new term has hit me with the force of a large brick smacked against the side of my head...

Nevertheless, I was delighted to be able to hear Dawn Eden's talk when she visited Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen on Monday night. She gave a very moving talk on how devotion to the saints had helped her overcome the wounds of sexual abuse, and explained how the saints are actually a way in which God shows his love for us, rather than, as many Protestants believe, a way of leading people away from God.

2013-01-07 19.36.29I got a signed copy of Dawn's book, My Peace I Give You, and I'm really looking forward to reading it... unfortunately that treat is on the back-burner until things get quieter at work.

I was a little tired on Monday (though probably nowhere near as tired as Dawn herself: her talk in Blackfen was her second one of the day) partly because of my start-of-term fear of oversleeping, partly because of the shock to my system after the two-week break, and partly because I had developed a stinking cold. Even so, I was absolutely determined to get a photo of myself with Dawn, and persuaded His Hermeneuticalness to take a photo of us both...

2013-01-07 21.45.03

What? Well, you didn't really think I'd allow myself to appear without my mantilla, did you? And Dawn said she'd brought hers along specially...

Do go over and read Dawn's blogs - she has two: The Dawn Patrol (a more personal blog, I think) and Feast of Eden (a blog which focuses more on saints and spiritual healing).

1 comment:

  1. I saw Dawn on Tuesday night and she was, as you say, inspirational. Sadly, I didn't manage to buy a copy of the book for her to sign.
