Tuesday 4 December 2012

Questionable Questionnaires...

The Bitter Pill has a survey up about the new translation of the Mass. As well as a sloppy approach to Catholicism, it seems that the publication takes a sloppy approach to questionnaires.

The questions are clumsily worded and there were numerous errors in the text. Several commenters over at Fr. Z's blog uncharitably suggested that this might be because the people who wrote the questionnaire don't go to Mass regularly, and so are themselves unfamiliar with the new translation. I prefer to think that the authors of the questionnaire usually attend Mass celebrated according to the Usus Antiquior, and so are unfamiliar with the English...

Obviously someone alerted the powers that be at The Bitter Pill that they'd goofed. The questionnaire has been changed to remove some of the ambiguities - for example they clarify that you might hear a phrase rather than say it. This does rather affect the answers one might give, so it's worth going back to check your responses.


  1. And there was I uncharitably thinking it was a plot to expose the ignorance of those who gave answers of which the Pill disapproved.

    Clearly not, just ignorance and carelessness...

  2. Surely you are not encouraging folk to read said publication! Shock Horror.

  3. Thought I'd join in the fun and clicked on the survey link only to find that it is 'not available to you'. Gremlins or can the Tablet recognise an orthodox Catholic laptop?

  4. Ah. Presumably it has closed...
