Sunday 9 December 2012

End Of The World? Still Hand In Your Homework...

The idea that the Mayan calendar has predicted the end of the world on 21 December this year seems to be gaining momentum. NASA has even posted a debunking page.

Several of my students have pointed out that, if the world is about to end, it is extremely unreasonable of me to give them all homework. I retaliated by promising them that, should the world actually end on December 21, then I will excuse them from handing the work in on the first day back in January...


  1. But Mac when I tried to do my online supermarket shop, there were no delivery dates available after 21st December! Obviously Ocado know something we don't...

    Alternatively I forgot to book a delivery slot!

  2. If Cameron is determined to force "Gay Marriages"
    on everybody (it WILL be compulsory, right ?),
    and the End Of The World is now going to be
    on 21 December 2012 . . .
