Saturday 22 December 2012

A Plea From The Heart...

James Preece has pointed out that there is a general rule of thumb when It comes to blog comments. 90% of readers are "lurkers" who show up on stats but never, ever comment. Then there are the 9% who occasionally comment when really exercised about a topic. And the remaining 1% of readers are responsible for the greater proportion of comments... and this can make comments seem very argumentative and inward-looking, because the regular commenters get to know each other...

I don't have very many spats in the combox - my commenters tend to address specific points in the posts rather than having a go at each other. Nevertheless, I can sympathise with James' view: the lurkers are extremely welcome, but just occasionally it is nice to have some sort of a response from a few more of one's readers... so do go over and comment if you have a minute!


  1. I have nothing apposite, original or witty to say, but you did ask for comments, and I have a minute, and I have been brought up to be polite, so ...

  2. "wen really exercised"?
    "WEN"??? Disgraceful, I say!

    O.K. so I get really exercised by incorrect spellings! I suppose that must make me part of the 9%.
    Glad to be of service!

  3. Anonymous4:38 am

    Your cheerful blog is always a bright spot in humdrum days. One of these years, I'm hoping to get enough money together to journey to distant England and go on a "blog pilgrimage" to meet in person, for the first time, many of you who have been a beneficial part of my daily life for some years now. But if finances forbid that, then at least accept my greetings from California.

  4. Anonymous6:30 am

    Some comments and blogs seem, to me, to be “incestuous” which is why I will not join certain guilds and associations. That may be the same reason why some people will not comment!

  5. Patricius - ooops! Corrected now. However, to be fair, that was a typo rather than a spelling mistake!

    Londiniensis - you *are* original and witty, and so your comments are always welcome...

    Thanks Bones!

    Elviajero - gosh... thanks for the encouragement!!

    Thanks Father E!

    BTW, the plea was for people to comment over at James' blog... though I'm delighted to have lots of comments as a bonus!!

  6. I blame the cats.

  7. Anonymous9:45 am

    Ullo, sis. Not sure wot to say reely, but do keep writin de luvvly blogg.

  8. I very rarely get comments on my blog posts - by nature my posts don't really invite many comments. However, I have received two emails today (one from Australia) in which people have told me how much they appreciate my blog and wishing me a happy Christmas.

    So, on the same note may I thank you for your posts and wish you every blessing of the Holy Season.

  9. It can be difficult making comments, if they are never acknowledged.

    On some interesting blogs, I have commented on I asked a question. With no response I assumed I was intruding where I wasn't wanted, and never returned.

    I'm not suggesting that is the case with your blog, but just want to expand your post on the complexity of blog protocol.

  10. I leave comments on a very small number of blog, but I lurk here often.

  11. Corky and Earl Grey the cats always keep an eye on the kitty kill count. Tell them to keep up the good work.

  12. Anonymous1:55 pm

    Oh HI there!

    Back in a previous blog incarnation, the comments I got were mainly from Real Life™ friends, and good acquaintances I'd not met other than online. The interaction was great and I appreciated it very much.

    Now, though, that's not how or why I blog anymore, so I don't really think about who's commenting. I mean I'll look at stats, because I'm a nerd, but any spike I get is normally because you've linked to one of my posts or something :D

    TL;DR - I'm a seriously non-pro blogger, so I don't fuss about it. Your blog, however, is t3h awesome (even if the kitties don't like me. Their loss ;))

  13. I suppose I'm a 9%er, so here's an occasional comment, more out of appreciation of your blog than because I feel particularly exercised.

  14. I don't post on blogs much these days, but I'm happy to make an exception here! Best wishes as always.

  15. Happy Christmas from one of your 9%ers.

    I'll pop over to James now as you suggest.

  16. Blame Google reader - I rarely visit here but read most of your posts (all but the cat ones, I suppose). merry Christmas, Mac. May peace and joy be yours this Christmas.

    La Mamma x.

  17. Thought I'd drop in to say hello, and to wish you a very happy Christmas. Thank you for all the good work you do with your blog.

  18. Thanks for the encouragement, everyone!

    John S - it can be difficult replying, especially if you get lots. I don't, so I read all my comments before posting them and (usually) manage to answer any questions. The difficulty can be when I mentally note that I want to answer a comment later (if I'm allowing comments on my phone)and then I forget...

  19. Thank you for replying! :0))
