Monday 15 October 2012

Rosary Sunday...

2012-10-07 10.56.52Yes, I know it was over a week ago. No, I haven't blogged for a whole week. Yes, I know I said that I'd try harder to blog more regularly...

Would you lot believe me if I told you that the Monsignori are to blame? They're chasing each other round in circles, squabbling like teenagers, and I want to stay out of their way. This morning, I actually caught Furretti kicking all the dry catfood out of Miaowrini's bowl. Just because I'd stopped to stroke Miaowrini first. Boy, can that cat throw a strop.

At the moment, the two cats are chasing each other around my computer chair, each taking it in turns to hide beneath my skirts before launching an attack on the other. I'm not sure if they're playing, or if this is the next stage in the dominance stakes...

Anyway, for those of you who are interested, the photos I took last week for Rosary Sunday, (the Patronal Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, Blackfen) are finally up on Flickr. Most of them were up halfway through the week, to be honest, but I then discovered that, due to a glitch with a wifi connection, I'd only loaded half of them, so I didn't bother alerting anyone!

Fr. James Bradley of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham was the celebrant and preacher for the Solemn High Mass...

2012-10-07 13.19.09

There are lots of photos in the set - and I haven't actually labelled them yet - so do go over to have a look.

Right. It's gone awfully quiet. I think that means trouble. I'll be back again soon...

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