Tuesday 23 October 2012

Now What...?

Rorate Caeli reports that Bishop Williamson has been expelled from the SSPX. Given how close the SSPX seemed to get to being brought back into full communion with Rome (is that the right term?), it will be interesting to see if this makes any difference.

No, I don't really understand all the ins and outs of the situation. Archbishop Lefevre defied Rome and ordained priests and bishops - and Bishop Williamson was one of those bishops. If he now goes off and ordains priests and bishops, will there be another breakaway group? And what happens next?

I do, however, hope this paves the way for reconciliation of the SSPX...

I also wish that someone would write an idiot's guide explaining the whole thing...


  1. Williamson was pulling away from Rome, and had already broken away even from the SSPX in all but formalities.

  2. There have been many anti-Popes before, perhaps we might have a new one.

  3. "I also wish that someone would write an idiot's guide explaining the whole thing."

    Try CTS Booklet EX28
    Catholic Traditionalism by Dr Raymond Edwards,

    It is from 2008 and so misses the last few years "will they, won't they" events but is a very good and balanced read for the historical background.
