Monday 6 August 2012

Sensing A Pattern...

I'm beginning to worry about the impression people have of me.

Over the weekend, I was bewailing my lack of internet access, and had mentioned that it followed my installation of a new cable modem. The response from several different sources was the same:

"Hmmm. Did you check that it was switched on?"

On reflection, I might have to cut down on the blonde jokes and cat posts...

(And before anyone else asks, yes, it was switched on.)


  1. I wouldn't mind betting your "sources" were not of the female gender.
    And I'm guessing that the recent lack of cat posts are due to an outbreak of good behaviour by your feline friends.
    Great pic of the Nuncio and Fr. F btw.

  2. Did you try turning it off and on again?

  3. Of course the equivalent for us blokes, once we have pushed every button, switched every switch, etc., is, "Have you read the instructions?"

    ...Generally guaranteed to send any male apoplectic.

