Monday 20 August 2012

Compare & Contrast...

In view of the much-reported outrage over the sentencing of members of a punk rock band who desecrated a church in Russia, I wonder why the mainstream media have failed to protest the arrest, in Pakistan, of an 11 year-old girl with Downs Syndrome for blasphemy.

I haven't followed the Pussy Riot story very closely, but I have noticed one rather important point... the members of the band were sentenced to two years' imprisonment for their publicity stunt/political protest and the mainstream media think this is rather harsh. I believe that the punishment for blasphemy in Pakistan is death... yet that doesn't appear to be harsh enough to attract the attention of the same media.


Twitch of the mantilla to Fr. Tim Finigan.

1 comment:

  1. I have Blogged about the Pussy Riot case at

    and written an Article at
