Sunday 10 June 2012

Hunting "Il Corvo"...

His Hermeneuticalness thought that, in order to sort out those responsible for the Vatileaks, we should bring along a couple of "the boys" to Rome. I thought that the Monsignori, being such good hunters, would have much more chance of success...

The nickname given to the person responsible for the leaks is "Il Corvo" - the crow. I forget why, exactly. The Monsignori are convinced that there is more than one crow...


Monsignor Miaowrini's biretta kept falling off. Monsignor Furretti was more inclined to pose for the camera...


Oh, and by the way, no-one in Rome actually believes that the butler did it...


  1. I just discovered your blog, am totally delighted with it, and sorta figure on reading back through it... and back... and back....

    I's 8:30 pm as I write this in the mid USA. I'd better put on a pot of coffee.

  2. Where did those tiny birettas come from? And why are you posing the Monsignori for the cameras in them?

  3. Nancy - many thanks for your kind comments!

    Lady Catcliffe - the biretta came from Rome (a little souvenir) though the purple pom-pom was a home-made addition. As for why I got the Monsignori to pose, well... why not!?

  4. Il Corvo or Le Corbeau is another name for a scandal-monger or a poison-pen writer.

    There's a fantastic 1943 Henri-Georges Clouzot film which is a masterpiece on all levels!
