Saturday 2 June 2012

The Eternal City...

This year, I suddenly found myself free over the summer half term. Not particularly enamoured with the idea of staying in the UK to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee (nothing personal, you understand...) I jumped at the chance of a trip to Rome.

I don't know why, but I half-expected it to fall through at the last minute, so I haven't really allowed myself to think about it too much. I've also been rather busy with work stuff.

So I'm now almost deliriously happy to realise that, in two days' time, I shall be jetting off to the Eternal City.

The Holy Father had better not be staying in Milan...

I do intend to take lots and lots of photos. Blogging, however, might be even more sporadic than usual.


  1. Lucky lucky! Have a wonderful trip! God bless!! Visit the catacombs of Priscilla - it has the oldest-known image of Our Lady.

  2. God bless you on your trip. Please remember my special intentions, if you think of it. I will pray for you (as well as for the kitties - they don't like their "person" to go away).

  3. Jealous

    I am in Walsingham. But, I love the Eternal City. Have a great time, as I am sure you will. Say a pray for me, please.
