Friday, 13 April 2012

Friday the Thirteenth...

I'm sulking.

Friday the Thirteenth has so far been marked by the fact that I am without my beloved car, just before I am due to return to work, and so have to endure public transport...

...and also by the fact that, as it's Friday, I can't even indulge in a consoling bacon sandwich.

I can't. I checked with the PP after Mass.


  1. I'm concerned the EF calendar, Easter Friday is a day of First Class, and in the OF calendar, it's a Solemnity. I thought meat was allowed on Fridays if it was one of these days?

    I've been looking forward to a change from the usual fish & chips from the chippy all week.... :-(

  2. Anonymous9:09 pm

    Our priest told us from the pulpit last Monday that we are allowed to eat meat on the Fridays within the octaves of Easter, Christmas and Pentecost....

  3. I ate meat on Friday. In fact, I deliberately made a point of eating meat, because it was Friday in the Octave of Easter. (I don't live in the U.K., but we lay Dominicans have year-round Friday abstinence as part of our Rule.)
