Friday 27 April 2012

Existentialist Angst...

The inimitable Fr. Z sent me a couple of YouTube video links which he thought might amuse me. Henri the cat has a hard life, and ponders the meaning of his existence...

There is also a sequel...

The look of withering contempt given by Henri to the camera is one I see on the face of Monsignor Furretti quite regularly. Maybe it is something to do with being long-haired? Certainly it is not an expression I have observed on Monsignor Miaowrini's face... she is much more likely to be "begging for cheeseburgers" - or rather, for smoked salmon...

From the sublime to the ridiculous. His Hermeneuticalness has been poaching on my territory, posting a picture of a "cat sandwich" - cats with bread on their heads being, apparently, the latest internet craze. I can't see either of the Monsignori being keen on that one.

I wouldn't dream of subjecting my two kitties to such indignities. And anyway, a slice of wholemeal bread is remarkably difficult to balance on a cat's head...


  1. Unfortunately our Cat IS the Idiot begging for Cheeseburgers; unfortunately she is also quite sadistic and WILL claw if her demands for attention are not fulfiled.

  2. Thanks for sharing these sublime examples of arthouse cinema.

  3. Should be renamed Grumpy Old Cat. He's definitely an EF-er. An extraordinary feline.

  4. This is hilarious. I will share it with my cat friends.
