Wednesday 28 March 2012

Stational Churches...

In Rome, during Lent, it was traditional to visit a different church for each of the days - each church or chapel was a "Station." Plenary indulgences were attached to such visits, I presume under the usual conditions. The St. Andrew's Daily Missal has some information on each of the Stational Churches.

Zephyrinus (the blogger, not the deceased Pope!) has gone one better - he has combined the information from the Missal with other information and photos gleaned from Wikipedia and other sources - each day during Lent he has put up a post on the stational church associated with that day.

It's absolutely wonderful, so do go and browse...

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mac. I am tremendously grateful for the mention on your most-esteemed-Blog, Mulier Fortis. There I was, quietly Blogging away on a most interesting subject (Lenten Stational Churches), not knowing you were having a read.

    All of a sudden, my readers' viewing statistics went through the roof. I wondered why.

    Now, I know. The power of Mulier Fortis.

    in Domino.

    Zephyrinus (the Blogger, not the dead Pope).

    [I liked that ephithet).
