Saturday 11 February 2012

While We're On The Subject Of Bishops...

I don't really understand the kerfuffle about Obama's Healthcare plan. As the saying goes, when it comes to U.S. politics, I know little and I care less. But I have noticed that there appears to be some sort of problem when it comes to the rights of Catholics (and others) to object to something on moral or religious grounds.

The U.S., Bishops are refusing to acquiesce to the spirit of the age. This is excellent, and their Lordships are to be highly commended for the stand they are taking. They have realised the truth, perhaps, that, once you compromise on a matter of faith and morals, it starts up the whole slippery slope scenario...

Bishops of England & Wales take note. This is how Bishops are supposed to behave...


  1. The Obama regime has passed a law that basically will require every American to purchase health care coverage. Via the Department of Health and Human Services, headed by alleged Catholic Kathleen Sibelius, it has mandated that all health insurance plans MUST provide, at no cost to the insured, contraceptives, sterilization procedures and chemical abortions. Thus, Catholic employers buying coverage for their employees would be forced to pay for coverage of these immoral "services." When Catholics applied for an exemption, all they got was a year's reprieve.

    Then, in the face of the uproar this frontal assault on the First Amendment caused, the Regime decreed that, after all, employers will not have to provide this coverage; however, health care plans must still provide it. Of course, the blatant violation of our constitutional right to the free exercise of our religion remains, since somebody is going to have to pay for these alleged "preventive care" services, and that somebody is going to be the employer who is paying the premiums. The abortion lobby likes this "compromise," which tells us all we need to know.

    I posted about this a couple of weeks ago in an entry about my own bishop's response to this.

    Nearly all the bishops of the United States have publicly condemned the HHS mandate. Even Roger Cardinal Mahony, Archbishop emeritus of Los Angeles, who hasn't met very many leftist causes he didn't like, has condemned it.

  2. WEll said, Anita. I might add the bishops might not be in such a mess had they not acted like idiot sophomore cheerleaders with pompoms in the run up to the 2008 election. They basically issued a statement for concerned voters which drew NO distinction is the so-called seamless garment -- thus giving cover for so-called Catholics to vote for the proabortion Obama on the grounds that 'well, he says he's for peace and free health care and stuff....'

  3. Gem, you are absolutely right. And I think we can go even further: if so many Catholics had not dissented from the Church's teachings on contraceptives decades ago, none of this would have come up in the first place. Before this widespread dissent, Catholics had enough political clout in this country that the social outrages our government now seeks to force down our throat, like abortion on demand, would have been unthinkable.

    All of this goes to prove that we must have sanctifying grace, not only to avoid losing our own souls, but also to avoid running our countries into the ground.
