Tuesday 7 February 2012

Seasonal Sufferings...

I have been conquered by some loathsome microbe and am sneezing, coughing and spluttering a lot. My eyeballs ache, which means that sitting in front of a computer screen is not my idea of a fun pastime just now.

This has coincided with the onset of snow. There wasn't very much, but neither of the Monsignori had encountered it before (they were too young this time last year!) Also, if you are only 30cm tall, then a few centimetres of snow is rather uncomfortable. On Sunday morning I was awakened by two very confused cats, who appeared to want me to remove the nasty, cold, wet stuff. I selfishly remained in bed, nursing my cold, until it was time for Mass, and then trudged through the snow in order to clear the catflap ledge and the chair below.

Miaowrini was then happy enough to venture out for a very brief spell, though she returned to warm her paws before too long. Furretti opted to stay in, and has transferred her attentions to the litter box.

Both of them have started to sleep on my bed for warmth... I shall upload photos soon.


  1. Get better dammit!

    The British need more blog posts!

  2. Ugh. Feel better soon!

    I suggest persuading the Monsignori (Meowsignori?) to act as furry hot water bottles. I spent yesterday dealing with what I believed to be early symptoms of the plague. (It was, as a matter of fact, the common or garden cold, but "the plague" sounds cooler.) Amadeus (25 pounds of tuxedo moggie) was given a corner of the heating pad I was using on my back in exchange for acting as an extra heat source. I'm convinced this contributed to my waking up feeling human, if not quite recovered. Of course, if your two like to argue in the middle of the night, this may not be quite so effective...

  3. We want more photos of the kitties

  4. . kitties in the snow pix please.......

  5. Sorry, I couldn't get kitties in snow. The snow didn't last long enough, and the kitties were too sensible.

    The photo I had was of the kitties on the bed... only I can't find it now...
